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pgtcl TCL interface to PostgreSQL
pgtclng Next Generation TCL interface to PostgreSQL
php-dba PHP extension for DBM database access
php-dbase PHP extension for dBase database access
php-dbx PHP database abstraction layer extension
php-ldap PHP extension for LDAP database access
php-mssql PHP extension for MS SQL databases
php-mysql PHP extension for MySQL databases
php-mysqli PHP5 extension for MySQL 4.1 and later databases
php-oci8 PHP extension for Oracle 8 (and above) databases
php-pdo PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (base)
php-pdo_dblib PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (FreeTDS/Sybase/MS SQL)
php-pdo_mysql PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (MySQL)
php-pdo_pgsql PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (PostgreSQL)
php-pdo_sqlite PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (SQLite v3)
php-pgsql PHP extension for PostgreSQL databases
php-sqlite PHP extension for SQLite 2.x databases
phpldapadmin Set of PHP-scripts to administer an LDAP directory over the WWW
phpmyadmin Set of PHP-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the WWW
phppgadmin Set of PHP-scripts to administer PostgreSQL over the WWW
postgresql-postgis Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql83 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql83-adminpack Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
postgresql83-client PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql83-plperl PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql83-plpython PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql83-pltcl PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql83-server PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql84 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql84-adminpack Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
postgresql84-client PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql84-dblink dblink module for remote database connections
postgresql84-pgcrypto Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql84-plperl PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql84-plpython PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql84-pltcl PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql84-server PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql90 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql90-adminpack Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
postgresql90-client PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql90-datatypes PostgreSQL data types support modules
postgresql90-dblink Dblink module for remote database connections
postgresql90-docs PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql90-monitoring PostgreSQL monitoring tools
postgresql90-pgcrypto Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql90-plperl PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql90-plpython PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql90-pltcl PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql90-replicationtools PostgreSQL replication tools
postgresql90-server PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql90-upgrade PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
pxtools Paradox database export/info utilities
py-bdb-xml Python wrapper for Berkeley DB XML C++ API
py-bsddb3 Python extension module for Berkeley DB 4
py-cassa Python client library for Cassandra
py-cx_Oracle Oracle binding for Python
py-elixir Elixir is a declarative layer on top of the SQLAlchemy library
py-gdbm Python interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
py-ldap LDAP client API for Python
py-metakit Embedded database library
py-mssql Python interface to MS SQL
py-mysqldb MySQL interface for Python
py-pgnotify Python interface to PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
py-PgSQL Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL
py-postgresql Python interface to PostgreSQL
py-psycopg2 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
py-sqlalchemy Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
py-sqlite SQLite database adapter for Python
py-sqlite2 SQLite database adapter for Python
py-sqlite3 Built-in sqlite support for Python 2.5 and up
py-sybase Sybase interface for Python using FreeTDS
py-table Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases
qdbm Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
qdbm-cgi CGI scripts of QDBM
qdbm-plus C++ API for QDBM
quicklist Simple database like AppleWorks & MS Works
R-DAAG (V) Example data sets and functions implemented in R
R-GRASS (V) Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
R-ISwR (V) Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
R-PHYLOGR (V) Manipulation of phylogenetically simulated data sets using GLS
rdb Relational database system that uses standard filters via pipes
rrdtool Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rrdtool12 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
ruby-activeldap Object oriented interface to LDAP
ruby-activerecord Object-relation mapping put on rails
ruby-activerecord-cassandra ActiveRecord Cassandra adapter
ruby-activerecord-odbc ActiveRecord ODBC adapter
ruby-activerecord3 Object-relational mapper framework
ruby-acts-as-versioned Simple versioning for ActiveRecord
ruby-arel Arel is a relational algebra engine for Ruby
ruby-cassandra Ruby extension for Cassandra
ruby-data_objects DataObjects basic API and shared driver specifications
ruby-datamapper Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
ruby-dbd-mysql MySQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-odbc ODBC support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-pg PostgreSQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite SQLite support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite3 SQLite version 3 support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbi Database independent interface for Ruby
ruby-dm-aggregates DataMapper plugin for aggregates on collections